What We Believe

- We believe that Jesus Christ was God's only Son who died on the cross, taking the punishment we deserved for our sin. We believe He rose from the dead and gives us eternal life.
- We believe the Bible is the Word of God and is the foundation of all Christian belief and speaks God's message to our world today.
- We believe that no matter how hard we try and how many good things we do, we cannot earn God's favour. By nature we are at odds with God, therefore His forgiveness of our sins is based solely on His gracious love for us, a gift from His hand received by faith.
The faith by which we receive God's forgiveness is His gift to us.
Believing these truths from God's Word, we respond by being a part of a community of faith—a congregation in which we receive God's gift of forgiveness; hear His Word and receive the blessings of His Sacraments; and serve our community in the name of Christ.
Our worship is unapologetically biblical and liturgical in that every expression in it is based on the words of the Bible.
Lutheran Church - Canada

What Do You Believe?